Tuesday, January 9, 2024

International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) - ERA, WJCI Indexed

International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) - ERA, WJCI Indexed
ISSN: 0974 - 9330 (Online); 0975 - 2307 (Print)

Webpage URL: https://airccse.org/journal/ijnsa.html

A Security Evaluation Framework for U.K. E-Government Services Agile Software Development
Steve Harrison1,Antonis Tzounis2, Leandros Maglaras1, Francois Siewe1, Richard Smith1 and Helge Janicke1, 1De Montfort University, United Kingdom and 2University of Thessaly, Greece

This study examines the traditional approach to software development within the United Kingdom Government and the accreditation process. Initially we look at the Waterfall methodology that has been used for several years. We discuss the pros and cons of Waterfall before moving onto the Agile Scrum methodology. Agile has been adopted by the majority of Government digital departments including the Government Digital Services. Agile, despite its ability to achieve high rates of productivity organized in short, flexible, iterations, has faced security professionals’ disbelief when working within the U.K. Government. One of the major issues is that we develop in Agile but the accreditation process is conducted using Waterfall resulting in delays to go live dates. Taking a brief look into the accreditation process that is used within Government for I.T. systems and applications, we focus on giving the accreditor the assurance they need when developing new applications and systems. A framework has been produced by utilising the Open Web Application Security Project’s (OWASP) Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS). This framework will allow security and Agile to work side by side and produce secure code.


Agile programming, OWASP, Waterfall Methodology

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International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) - ERA, WJCI Indexed

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